Colossians 2:2-3
Path of Life Groups
The Bible speaks repeatedly of "the path of life." Proverbs says that wisdom and understanding lead one on this path of life. The prophet Hosea says that God's people perish for lack of knowledge. Psalm 119:144 says, "Your statutes are forever right; give me understanding that I may live."
Are you struggling with your health & want to study the Bible and pray with others who desire to gain understanding that you might truly live? Are you ready to seek the true Healer but feel like encouragement along the way would be helpful?
This September begins small, discipleship based online groups that will meet twice a month. The curriculum, based on Marci Julin's book, Life to the Body, will take participants deep in the Word to learn how to apply a biblical perspective of health & healing to their daily lives. *Separate men's & women's groups are available.
**Participation in a group is free, although minimal supplies will be required.