Did God Really Say... Do not forsake the gathering of the believers.?
Do you know the tactic Satan used to deceive Eve in the Garden? It was simple really. Simply by referring to God by an impersonal name,...

Removing the Veil--Muscle Testing Seen in Light of Scripture
Part 3 in Christians Beware of Muscle Testing The temperature must have been well over a hundred, but after several weeks in India's...

The Name of God
What would Jesus do? This common & ever popular question gets bantered around among Christians with little actual awareness of what...

Untold Treasure
Much interest exists today in end-times prophecy and rightfully so. From blood moons to the on-going crisis in the Middle East, to...

God's Hands of Love--The Body of Christ
Have you ever been hurting; I mean really hurting, and God’s Word and other’s remarks, kind and true as they might be seemed hollow? I...